I recently had a hard drive go bad on me which actually turned out to be a hard drive going bad. There was definitely something goofy going on with access to the drive. I keep daily backups but a perfect backup of a corrupted source is no good. My most important files are my digital photos, mostly JPG images. I did some visual spot checking but once I hit the 1500 photos I looked for a better alternative. Here’s what I came up with. (This works on Linux. You’ll have to alter your process on Windows and Macs but the principles are the same.)

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A short explanation on how to add a custom button to the  EZPublish online editor (ezoe).

Step 1: Setting up the extension

The custom button could be set up using an existing ezpublish extension or by creating a new one. Assuming you want to use a new extension, create a new folder called ‘newbutton‘ in the extension folder. Don’t forget to activate the extension by adding ‘ActiveExtensions[]=newbutton’ or ‘ActiveAccessExtensions[]=newbutton’ to your list of ExtensionSettings in site.ini.append.php:

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Currently, on the internet world are a lot of data. Very important is how and where to store them. Therefore, I decided to study database mongodb. MongoDB (from “humongous”) is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. Written in C + +, MongoDB features:

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Some it is necessary to disable backspace button in browser. This javascript code can help to disable backspace:

document.onkeydown = function () {
 var e = event || window.event;
 var keyASCII = parseInt(e.keyCode, 10);
 var src = e.srcElement;
 var tag = src.tagName.toUpperCase();
 if(keyASCII == 13) {
  return false;
 if(keyASCII == 8) {
  if(src.readOnly || src.disabled || (tag != "INPUT" && tag != "TEXTAREA")) {
   return false;
  if(src.type) {
   var type = ("" + src.type).toUpperCase();
   return type != "CHECKBOX" && type != "RADIO" && type != "BUTTON";
 return true;