Yesterday I had a task make stream images from ip camera. IP camera always put images to the same directory with same image name. This is a source code, whick can do this.
var tick=0; image=new Image(); reload = new Date(); reload = reload.getTime(); image.src=""+reload; function refreshCam() { tick++; if(tick>3){restart=1;} else {restart=0;} if(image.complete) { tick=0; document.images["webcam"].src = image.src; image=new Image(); reload = new Date(); reload = reload.getTime(); window.status = ""; image.src=""+reload; } if(restart) { tick=0; image=new Image(); reload = new Date(); reload = reload.getTime(); window.status = ""; image.src=""+reload; } window.status = window.status + "."; setTimeout("refreshCam()", 1000); } refreshCam();
And this is html code for this script
<IMG NAME="webcam" SRC="h" BORDER=0/>
This script refresh image once in a second. If you want to change time, you can do it in function setTimout(). 1000 is one second.
I hope, it will help for someone. 🙂